Armenian MP Attacked In Moscow


06.04.2006 20:33 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ April 5 the Prosecutor’s Office of the Western
District of Moscow instituted proceedings on a criminal case on robbery
article of the Russian Criminal Code on the fact of attack against
Armenian MP. As it was possible to specify in Yerevan, Executive
Director of Great Valley Brandy, Wine and Vodka Company Tigran
Arzakantsyan, 39, is the victim of the attack. He was attacked March
29 at a casino in the Minsk Street in Moscow. At about 4:00 a.m. a
group of unknown persons beat the MP and then they took away his Frank
Muller watches and cellular phone. The stolen things are estimated to
cost 1.5 million rubles. March 30 the victim was hospitalized with a
cranial and cerebral injury. April 4 one of the assistants of the beat
Deputy called the police and reported the happening. The malefactors
are being identified at present, reports IA Regnum.