Newspaper: What is Putin’s decision on Armenia’s Pashinyan?, Armenia

YEREVAN. – 168 Zham daily of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: Two days after the snap parliamentary elections in Armenia, RF [(Russian Federation)] President Vladimir Putin is in no hurry to congratulate the ruling Civil Contract Party and its leader [acting PM Nikol Pashinyan] on their victory [in the snap parliamentary elections].

His EEU partners, except for [Belarusian President] Lukashenko (…), also are not in a hurry to congratulate Pashinyan.

The absence of an official congratulatory message from the RF President amid the "convincing" victory is at least incomprehensible, especially when Western organizations and countries (…) are congratulating Pashinyan without queuing.

In fact, as after the previous elections in Armenia, this time too the Office of the RF President has chosen in Pashinyan's case the tactic of congratulating after the publication of the official data of the CEC [(Central Electoral Commission)], and maybe there is a logic in that, since as a result of the recount that started since yesterday in some polling stations, the votes received by the "Armenia" bloc [led by second President Robert Kocharyan] are increasing considerably…

(…) in the case of any leader, Putin's staff does not wait for the official election results to be announced, whereas in the case of Nikol Pashinyan, Putin's staff is applying a new protocol.

In conclusion, we can assume that the official Russian congratulation after the elections in the RA will be after the publication of the official data of the CEC.

Also, it is not difficult to assume that with this, the RF President emphasizes that there are no personal relations with Pashinyan, there is no manifestation of liking, the relations are forced, obligatory, official.

Unlike the Russian side, despite the enormous administrative resources, levers, electoral fraud used, by immediately congratulating, the Western leaders are trying to give legitimacy to Nikol Pashinyan, positioning him as a democratic leader, turning a blind eye to the "hammer ruler’s" threats, illegalities, and many other antidemocratic manifestations.