Karabakh army ex-spokesman: Azerbaijan doing everything towards final destruction of our statehood

News.am, Armenia

Despite the humiliating defeatism of the Armenian side, Baku—from the position of the winner—is doing everything to direct the further development of events towards the final destruction of our statehood. Senor Hasratyan, former spokesperson of the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) Defense Army, wrote this on Facebook.

"It is hard to say to what extend the citizens who voted—in the last (…) [snap parliamentary] elections [in Armenia]—for the authorities who lost the [Artsakh] war [last] realize the seriousness of all this. But it is clear that the political force leading them and, in particular, the owner [i.e., acting PM Nikol Pashinyan] of the hammer endowed with "supernatural abilities" is contributing (…) to the implementation of this Armenian-destroying plan.

For many, the question may arise: And what is the way out of the dire situation? … The answer is very simple and straightforward. If you love your child, family, friend, neighbor, birthplace and, ultimately, the Homeland that completes it all, then reject—as soon as possible—the illusion of peace being wrapped around your neck at the cost of criminal defeatism and, listening to your own strength, go to save what is still possible to save. But this does not at all mean to war only (…), but, first of all, it assumes acting by thinking so as not to be deceived (…),” Hasratyan added, in particular.