In The Way Of Thinking Of ’70’s

06 April 06

The matter of the Academy of Science isn’t regular and doesn’t depend
on Fadey Sargsian’s leadership. The change of a person won’t improve
anything. The problem is in the old system which doesn’t correspond
to the modern demands and in change of ideology and way of thinking.

The degree of the old system can be elucidated by the following
example; the same Fadey Tachatich who has some services is a
specialist calculating machines, he has become candidate of science,
doctor and Academician with that specialty. But let’s try to ask him
to open a Word file he won’t be able to do it. The level of science of
the leaders of Academy has remained in the period of a small room of
computers and `punched cards’ of `70’s.

It is more obvious in the sphere of high technologies but in the
public sciences is the same situation. For example academicians who
have got doctor degrees on the komsomol history can’t direct modern
historiography. It’s approximately the same situation when the
lecturers of atheism have become specialists of the history of
religion. The problem is that they have a way of thinking of
«punched cards», komsomol and atheism.

Science, irrespective of the art can’t develop on some persons’
talent. The progress is possible here in case of certain system. It
is impossible to create innovation by old equipments, management and
way of thinking.

All projects of reforming the Academy face to the counteract of
academicians of 70’s. Not having natural argumentations they are
engaged in political and national demagogy for keeping their posts and
pretend as if it is spoken of closing or destroying the Academy. Then
they also add that it is profitable for Turks and Azerbaijanis. While
the backward situation of our science is much more profitable for our
neighbors. And consequently it can be spoken of not closing the
Academy but just the opposite, of saving it for specialists of
international quality to be able to produce Armenia and form
scientific schools.

Otherwise you won’t discover anything new in the holes of `punched

Aram Abrahamian