Gegham Nazaryan: ‘The leader of the regime has decided to kill Professor Armen Charchyan’

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 1 2021

Political scientist Gegham Nazaryan, a lawmaker from the opposition Armenia faction, on Tuesday demanded the immediate release of famous doctor, Armenia faction MP Armen Charchyan after the latter suffered a heart attack in pre-trial custody.

“The leader of the regime has decided to kill Professor Armen Charchyan. The professor suffered an acute myocardial infarction in the place of detention and his blood sugar level is very high. I would also like to emphasize that, regardless of his health condition, our colleague was deprived of liberty illegally and is being held in custody illegally,” Nazaryan wrote on Facebook.

“I demand the immediate release of the prominent doctor who saved many people and cured tens of thousands,” the MP said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Charchyan's lawyer Erik Aleksanyan said that the doctor had suffered an acute myocardial infarction. In addition, Charchyan has high blood pressure, heart failure, insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney failure.

“Currently, the professor’s health is in poor condition,” the lawyer said.

Armen Charchyan, who formerly headed the Izmirlian Medical Center, was arrested in June for allegedly forcing his employees to take part in the snap parliamentary elections and vote for the Armenia bloc.

The Yerevan Court of General Jurisdiction ruled to release him on bail on July 21, granting a defense motion. On August 23, the Yerevan Criminal Court of Appeals upheld an earlier ruling to arrest the opposition deputy.