‘’IGorts’’ program’s 22 participants of the first stage repatriated. 50 professionals receive certificates

‘'IGorts’' program’s 22 participants of the first stage repatriated. 50 professionals receive certificates



 19:19, 7 September, 2021

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER  7, ARMENPRESS. At the government of the Republic of Armenia at the closure ceremony of the ‘'Igorts’' 2020 program 50 professionals received certificates. ARMENPRESS reports High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan, ministers, vice-ministers, program participants, who came to Armenia from 19 countries a year ago and worked at 19 state institutions were present at the closure ceremony.

Head of the Program Implementation and Monitoring Department of the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, head of ‘'iGorts’' program Liana Simonyan said, what ‘'iGorts’' gave an opportunity to diaspora professionals to work at state institutions of Armenia. ‘'The participants of our program, who were 52, according to the professional needs presented by the state bodies, implemented activities at the state system and had opportunity to invest their experience and knowledge in the improvement and development of respective fields. We chose specific standards – the participant had to have masters or higher degree, be sufficiently patriotic, be ready to live one year and work in Armenia'', Simonyan said.

According to her, the 52 participants were from 19  countries Russia, the Netherlands, USA, Germany, Austria, Lebanon, China, Ukraine, Iran, Georgia, Israel and so on. Speaking about the goals of the program Liana Simonyan mentioned that by ‘'iGorts’' program they wanted to use the human potential of the diaspora in the development of the management system, also facilitate the professional repatriation.

Zareh Sinanyan thanked the participants. In the framework of ‘'iGorts’' 2020 programs were implemented in healthcare, education, culture, social work, territorial administration, economy and investment fields. All of our participants are great professionals in their fields. 22 of participants made a decision of repatriation, 14 will stay at state system and 8 will work at private fields’', mentioned Sinanyan, thanking all the participants and the coworkers of High Commissioner of the Diaspora.

Minister of Healthcare of Armenia Anahit Avanesyan thanked the participants for their work.  ''This program had great success and I hope that in the future greater progress will be made’',- said Avanesyan.

Hayk Margaryan, who is one of the repatriated by the program, in conversation with ARMENPRESS mentioned that today he was appointed as the director of the centre of innovation and entrepreneurship. While talking about repatriation, he emphasized that for him it was very important to live in Armenia. Now he lives in Armenia with his wife and two children.