Newspaper: Commander of Russia peacekeepers in Artsakh instructs to destroy Azerbaijan equipment, Armenia
Sept 9 2021

YEREVAN. – Hraparak daily of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: Relations between the Russian peacekeepers stationed in Artsakh [(Nagorno-Karabakh)] and the Azerbaijanis are becoming increasingly tense. In recent times, the Azerbaijanis have been provoking on a daily basis—they block the road in the Shushi [city] section, violate the ceasefire regime by opening random fire, sometimes in the direction of [the Artsakh capital] Stepanakert, too.

According to Artsakh sources, the Azerbaijani side is provoking in a planned way, trying to show that they are in charge of the situation, the peacekeepers are temporary and do not establish peace [in the region]. According to our source, the Artsakh and RA authorities—which do not respond to these provocations, do not issue messages about [the Azerbaijanis] violating the ceasefire, do not send notes [of protest], do not draw the attention of the international community to the incidents—give them [i.e., the Azerbaijanis] a green light.

Recently, the Azerbaijanis have concentrated equipment at the beginning of the road to Shushi, as if they are building the road. The road leading to Stepanakert was closed for several hours, the news reached the [Russian] peacekeepers. Rustam Muradov [i.e., the commander of these peacekeepers] contacted the Azerbaijani patrol, who replied that, “So we are doing. Isn't it our road? We will do whatever we want.” Muradov sent 2 BTRs [i.e., armored personnel carriers] to the "scene of the incident," and instructed to destroy the Azerbaijani equipment. They did so; they pushed, threw the tractor that blocked the road into the gorge.

Let us remind that Muradov's period of service [in the aforesaid capacity] has ended, according to our information, he will be replaced by Major General Mikhail Kosobokov.