Denmark lifts all coronavirus restrictions




YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 10, ARMENPRESS. With no masks in sight, buzzing offices and concerts drawing tens of thousands, Denmark on Friday ditches vaccine passports in nightclubs, ending its last COVID-19 curb, Voice of America reports.

The vaccine passports were introduced in March 2021 when Copenhagen slowly started easing restrictions.

They were abolished at all venues on Sept. 1, except in nightclubs, where they will be no longer necessary from Friday.

Denmark's vaccination campaign has gone swiftly, with 73% of the 5.8 million population fully vaccinated, and 96% of those 65 and older.

Health Minister Magnus Heunicke has however vowed that the government would not hesitate to swiftly reimpose restrictions if necessary.

Authorities insist that the return to normal life must be coupled with strict hygiene measures and the isolation of sick people.