Armenpress: Representatives of 3 extra-parliamentary forces to be involved in Commission of Inquiry into the 44 day war

Representatives of 3 extra-parliamentary forces to be involved in Commission of Inquiry into the 44 day war




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 30, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan took part in the regular sitting of the Consultative Assembly on Cooperation with Extra-Parliamentary Political Forces.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Offic eof the Prime Minister, the meeting was attended by Republic Party chairman Aram Sargsyan, Liberal Party chairman Samvel Babayan, representative of Alliance Progressive Centrist Party chairman Tigran Arzakantsyan, Fair Armenia Party chairman Norair Norikyan, Sovereign Armenia Party chairman David Sanasaryan, Armenia’s European Party chairman Tigran Khzmalyan, Christian-Democratic Party chairman Levon Shirinyan, United Motherland Party chairman Mher Terteryan, Conservative Party leader Mikayel Hayrapetyan, Social Democrat Hunchakian Party Armenia Office Head Sedrak Achemian.

Nikol Pashinyan welcomed the participants of the meeting and said, “This is our fourth meeting in this format, I think at the moment we can say that we attach importance to it as a platform for conversation. And the fact that we are here today is the proof of that, our next task should be to make this platform more effective, the activities of which will give concrete results. To what extent we will succeed, depends on us. Of course, there are no guarantees, but that is our goal.

And at the moment we have a very concrete decision, according to which three representatives of this format should be involved in the Commission of Inquiry into the circumstances of the 44-day war’’, PM Pashinyan said, emphasizing that at present solutions are being sought to organize it de jure. Nikol Pashinyan added that the work of the Commission of Inquiry will start only after the preparatory works are completed.

Afterwards, the participants of the sitting proceeded to the discussion of the agenda issues.