Prelate Hosts Celebration Dinner Honoring Arch. Moushegh Mardirossian

Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan presents a memento to Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian

An evening honoring Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian’s 25 years of service as Prelate of the Western Prelacy was held on Friday, November 5 at the Glendale Hilton. Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan presided over the dinner celebration that was initiated by the Western Prelacy Executive and Religious Councils and organized by a special committee.

Leaders representing the other Armenian religious demonimantions included Western Diocese Primate Archbishop Hovnan Derderian; Fr. Armenag Bedrossian, representing the Armenian Catholic Eparchy of the U.S. and Canada; Rev. Hendrik Shanazarian Interim Minister to the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America.

Also attending were Armenia’s Consul General to Los Angeles, Ambassador Dr. Armen Baibourtian; Armenia’s Honorary Consul in Fresno and Executive Council member Berj Apkarian; Armenia’s Honorary Consul in Las Vegas Adroushan Armenian; as well as members of the Cilician Catholicosate’s Central Executive Council, Executive Council members, representatives of boards or trustees, principals and directors of Prelacy Schools, benefactors, friends and guests.

The evening’s Master of Ceremonies Rev. Karekin Bedourian, welcomed guests and highlighted Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian’s religious leadership positions both outside and within the Western Prelacy throughout the years.

Ambassador Baibourtian, Apkarian and Primate Derderian all praised Archbishop Mardirossian’s spiritual, human and leadership qualities that have distinguished his 25 years of tireless service in the Western Prelacy. Underscoring his national and community accomplishments, they detailed and shared personal accounts and heartfelt sentiments.

Archbishop Derderian presented a memento to the Archbishop Mardirossian that depicts the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, likening the actions of Archbishop Mardirossian’s parents, who led their son to the Church at a young age, to those of Jesus.

The head table at the celebration dinner

Very Rev. Dajad Ashekian then read an encyclical from His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great See of Cilicia, which conveyed blessings and appreciation to Archbishop Moushegh Mardirosian, highlighting his merits and life of service to the Church.

Archbishop Mardirossian expressed gratitude to His Holiness Aram I for the commendation, thanked Prelate Donoyan, Religious and Executive Councils, and the organizing committee for arranging the evening of tribute, and speakers for their homage to his service. He recalled his now deceased parents, especially his mother who instilled traditional Armenian values in him, at an early age.

Talking about his religious service, he thanked former prelates, clergy, peers, benefactors, friends and circumstances that have played a crucial role in advancing activities and accomplishments during his spiritual service, spanning from 25 years as prelate to those before, as clergy.

Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan began the evening’s closing remarks by thanking those gathered and conveyed gratitude Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian.

“When we talk about Archbishop Mardirossian, we are inevitably talking about the national, spiritual, and cultural history of Armenians of the West Coast—about the organizations and individuals who have worked effectively, with the guidance of his paternal spirit,” said Prelate Donoyan.

Reflecting on the advancements in the past 25-years, the Prelate stressed that Archbishop Mardirossian’s presence is evident in them because, in his capacity as Prelate, he worked tirelessly to nurture institutions of the Western Prelacy.

“I am sure that many of you have personally accompanied—or been present in various corners of the West Coast, when the Archbishop has laid the foundation for a new church, school, or national institution with his prayer and presence. We pay tribute today to H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, a member of the brotherhood of the Catholicosate of the Holy See of Cilicia, who dedicated his life to service and became—and remains—a singular example of initiative, diligence, dedication, persistence and perseverance,” said the Prelate.

He wished for Divine blessings and grace for the Archbishop, saying: “Wherever he turns, may blessings abound; wherever he looks, let there be goodness, let rivers flow, fields bloom, clouds disappear; let tears turn to laughter, fog lift and Godly rainbow appear, the sun shine again and the heavenly light reflect from Archbishop Mardirossian towards our individual and collective lives.”

Prelate Donoyan closed the evening by presenting Archbishop Mardirossian a memento symbolizing peace, then offered closing prayer.

Musical entertainment during the social hour and dinner was provided by The Hosharian Quartet featuring Greg Hosharian on piano, Angela Amirian on Violin, George Bilezikjian on drums, and Suzanne Susan Winsberg on flute.