Zoryan Institute Featured in Three Major Canadian Newspapers for its work on Genocide Education

November 9, 2021: The Zoryan
Institute is
pleased to announce that its scholarly work on genocide
education was featured
in the Global Heroes section of three of Canada’s largest daily
newspapers: the
Toronto Star, the National Post and the Globe and Mail this

Global Heroes is North America’s premier positive news magazine.
It aims to
connect its readers to uplifting stories and highlights the
efforts of everyday people and organizations, who are diligently
together towards practical solutions to global problems. Global
Heroes provides
valuable insight into how communities around the world tackle
urgent issues and
create actions that lead to sustainable change.

The featured piece highlights Zoryan Institute’s scholarly work
in its three
main areas of focus, Genocide, Human Rights and
Diaspora-Homeland relations.
The Institute’s most significant and longterm initiatives, such
as the
Institute’s annual Genocide and Human Rights University Program
and its two
academic journals were given special attention, highlighting how
awareness through education is key for prevention of future mass
atrocities and

The article can be found in the November 4, 2021 issue of the
Toronto Star, and
the November 5, 2021 issues of the Globe and Mail and the
National Post. The
piece is also featured on the Global Heroes website under the
“Human Rights”

Megan Reid
Deputy Executive Director 
International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies
A Division of the Zoryan Institute
255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310
Toronto, ON, Canada M3B 3H9
Tel: 416-250-9807  
E-mail: [email protected]