Exhibition dedicated to Artsakh War and Armenian Genocide opens in Antwerp

Public Radio of Armenia
Nov 8 2021

An exhibition dedicated to the 2020 Artsakh war and Armenian Genocide was unveiled at Saint Willibrord’s Church in Antwerp, Belgium, the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) informs.

The exhibition is initiated by VOS Flemish Peace union, journalist Jens De Rycke in cooperation with the EAJFD.

President of VOS Dominic Potters and Jens De Rycke said the main goal of the exhibition was to raise awareness about the Artsakh/NagornoKarabakh war and the Armenian Genocide and to inform the public in Belgium and prevent recurrence of crimes against humanity.

Member of the Federal Parliament Peter de Roover was among the attendees.

The EAJFD was represented by Kaspar Karampetian who expressed his gratitude for all efforts by the initiators of the exhibition and emphasized the importance of such events to draw attention on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the Armenian Genocide.