Traffic restores on Stepanakert-Shushi-Berdzor interstate road




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 13, ARMENPRESS. The Stepanakert-Shuhsi-Berdzor interstate road is currently open on both sides after a shutdown earlier today, the police of the Interior Ministry of Artsakh told Armenpress.

“The free and safe traffic will be ensured by the Russian peacekeeping troops.

The Police of Artsakh will soon provide additional information about the incident that has taken place between the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides”, the statement says.

Earlier it was reported that the Stepanakert-Berdzor inter-state road was closed on both sides due to the incident between the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides. The law enforcement agencies of Artsakh together with the Russian peacekeepers were holding negotiations with the Azerbaijani side to restore the traffic on the road.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan