Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region
104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
Glendale, California 91206
Phone: 818.500.1918 Fax: 818.246.7353
[email protected]
April 28, 2004
Contact: Armen Carapetian 818.500.1918
ANC Events and Initiatives – From California, Nevada, Arizona, Montana,
Idaho and other States – Draw Record Numbers of Armenian Americans Voters
Who Call For U.S. Recognition of the Armenian Genocide
ANC Communicates Genocide Recognition with CNN, The Los Angeles Times and
Major Media Outlets
California: Thousands of Armenian Americans attended a solemn ceremony in
the shadow of the Armenian Genocide Monument and were joined by Members of
Congress, State Legislators, the Co-Chairman of the Kerry Presidential
Campaign, and local public officials.
Nevada: Hundreds of Armenian Americans attended a commemoration ceremony
with keynote speaker U.S. Senator John Ensign, author of the Armenian
Genocide Resolution in the Senate.
Arizona: Over 250 Armenian Americans in Phoenix joined together at Wesley
Bolin Plaza, home of an Armenian Genocide Monument, to mark the 89th
anniversary of the first genocide of the 20th century.
Montana: The State of Montana became the 32nd U.S. state to recognize the
Armenian Genocide. This initiative was spearheaded by the ANC of Montana.
Idaho: The State of Idaho became the 33rd U.S. state to recognize the
Armenian Genocide as Republican Governor Dirk Kempthorne, issued a
proclamation citing April 24th `Idaho Day of Remembrance of the Armenian
Genocide of 1915-1923.’ This initiative was spearheaded by the ANC of
ANC-Professional Network: In cooperation with the ARF Shant Student
Association and the Armenian Youth Federation, ANC-PN organized a `Rally
Against Genocide Denial.’ The event was attended by over 1,000 youth and
included a presentation by popular radio host David Barsamian.
MAJOR EVENT: The rock band System of a Down dedicated its April 24th
performance to the remembrance of the Armenian Genocide and raised funds for
the ANCA in DC. Tickets for the concert were sold out in seven minutes.
INTERNET INITIATIVE: Over 10,000 Armenian-Americans from the Western United
States sent messages to their Members of Congress through the ANCA website
Action Alert system –
over ten thousand ANC supporters signed postcards urging Congressional
leaders to schedule a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolutions pending in
the House (H.Res. 193) and Senate (S.Res.164).
Central California/Fresno ANC Chapter: Local leaders joined together to
raise the Armenian Flag above City Hall to honor the martyrs of 1915.
San Francisco/Bay Area ANC Chapter: Secured Armenian Genocide resolutions
from four cities and counties, showed an Armenian Genocide film at the S.F.
Public Library and helped lead a Genocide commemoration event featuring the
Speaker Pro Tempore of the California State Assembly, Leland Yee.
City of Los Angeles: Seven Members of the Los Angeles City Council joined
ANC leaders at a solemn ceremony held to mark the Armenian Genocide. A
resolution was unanimously passed by the City Council to honor the martyrs
of 1915 and register opposition to efforts to deny this crime against
Burbank ANC Chapter: Worked with local civic and political leaders to have
the Burbank City Council pass a proclamation commemorating the Armenian
East San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles ANC Chapters: Hosted a forum
featuring Aram Sarafian, a Major in the U.S. Army and an ANC activist.
Sarafian focused his remarks on the need for Armenian Americans to engage
the American political process in the effort to secure full U.S. recognition
of the Armenian Genocide.
La Crescenta ANC Chapter: Organized an educational event on Armenian history
and the Armenian Genocide at the Historical Society of Crescenta Valley Town
Council with Professor Levon Marashlian of Glendale Community College.
Pasadena ANC Chapter: Over four hundred Armenian Americans joined the Mayor
of Pasadena and Congressman Adam Schiff in commemorating the Armenian
Genocide at an event held at the Pasadena Armenian Center.
San Diego ANC Chapter: Will be hosting an academic conference on Genocide
Denial on May 8, 2004 at U.C. San Diego.
San Fernando Valley and Glendale ANC Chapters: In cooperation with the
American Red Cross, each ANC chapter hosted a successful blood drive. The
blood of the Armenian American community will be used to save lives.
San Gabriel Valley/Montebello ANC: Hosted a vigil in the shadow of the
Genocide Monument. The event included the participation of Congresswomen
Hilda Solis and Grace Napolitano.
South Bay/Torrance ANC Chapter: Worked with Rolling Hills Estates Councilman
Frank Zerunyan to have the City Council pass a resolution commemorating the
Armenian Genocide.
National: ANCA-WR pushed a record number of Members of Congress to urge
President Bush to use the term `genocide’ in his April 24th message. Over
190 House and Senate members joined the effort.
California: With the full support of the Central California/Fresno ANC
chapter – California State Senator Chuck Poochigian urged and secured an
`Armenian Genocide’ statement from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Local Los Angeles Events: ANCA-WR Staff spoke at a record number of events
to educate the public about the Armenian Genocide – talks were delivered at
Cal State LA, Cal Poly Pomona, Bank of America Culture Day, Pasadena School
District, Calabasas High School, Homenentmen Scouts, All-Armenian Student
Association Candle Light Vigil at University of California, Riverside,
Glendale High School Armenian Genocide Remembrance Assembly, Chamlian
Armenian School in La Crescenta, California, Los Angeles County Department
of Social Services Welfare Office Staff on `Trauma of the Armenian
Genocide,’ Camp Shining Light participants, and at many other venues.
City Proclamations: The ANC worked with local city leaders in California to
pass Armenian Genocide Resolutions in Irvine, Oakland, Downey, Rolling Hills
Estates, among many other municipalities.
The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most
influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in
coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout
the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA
actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad
range of issues.