UN court fails to order Azerbaijan to release Armenian PoWs

PanArmenian, Armenia
Dec 8 2021

PanARMENIAN.Net - The International Court of Justice has not ordered Azerbaijan to release all Armenian prisoners of war captured during the Second Karabakh War in fall 2020, according to a decision published by the Court on Tuesday, December 7.

Azerbaijan was instead ordered to "protect from violence and bodily harm all persons captured in relation to the 2020 conflict who remain in detention, and ensure their security and equality before the law".

The Court also said Baku has to take all necessary measures to prevent the incitement and promotion of racial hatred and discrimination, including by its officials and public institutions, targeted at persons of Armenian national or ethnic origin.

Azerbaijan must also take all necessary measures to prevent and punish acts of vandalism and desecration affecting Armenian cultural heritage, including but not limited to churches and other places of worship, monuments, landmarks, cemeteries and artefacts.

Armenia's agent before the ICJ said earlier that the Courtgranted almost all the provisional measures requested by Armenia against Azerbaijan, and rejected the majority of Azerbaijan’s requested measures. Kirakosyan said Armenia welcomed the orders and was looking forward to their practical implementation by Azerbaijan and its high ranking officials.