Paylan to Turkey’s Cavusoglu: An Armenian minister was sitting on your chair 110 years ago, Armenia
Dec 15 2021

Garo Paylan, an Armenian lawmaker from the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) of Turkey, once again reflected on the nationalist manifestations by the Turkish ministers, T24 reports.

During the parliamentary debates on the budgets of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Paylan considered it inadmissible to constantly use the term "kinsmen" in the speeches of foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, emphasizing that Cavusoglu is the minister of all citizens of Turkey—and not of just one ethnic group.

"Enter the library of the [Turkish] parliament, and read the words of [Istanbul Armenian writer, politician, and lawyer] Krikor Zohrab. He always spoke of equality, but during the massacres [of the Armenians in 1915] his head was crushed near Urfa [city]. You have used the word 'kinsmen' 15, 20 times. An Armenian minister was sitting on your chair 110 years ago. I can also technically sit in your chair. But would you like it if I were to stand up and say that I do such and such things for my kinsmen? This country does not have 'kinsmen,' but 'compatriots'," said Garo Paylan, addressing the Turkish FM.