Azerbaijan returns 10 others military detainees to Armenia

Dec 19 2021
Baku, Dec 19 (Prensa Latina) Azerbaijan handed over 10 soldiers to Armenia who had been captured during clashes in the Kalbajar border region on November 16, as a result of the mediation of the European Union.

According to the State Commission for Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Citizens, on December 4 Baku also handed over 10 Armenian soldiers and in return, Yerevan gave Armenia maps of minefields in the Karabakh area.

Intense fighting between the armed forces of both countries took place on 16 November in the border areas of the Syunik region in Armenia.

Yerevan stated that the Azerbaijani army launched an offensive deep into Armenian territory, compromising the state highway that connects the capital of the republic with southern regions of the country and Iran.

For its part, Baku blamed Armenia for the incident, and accused its armed forces of provocation by attacking border checkpoints of the Azerbaijani army.
