Artsakh Armenians’ right to self-determination not subject to reservation and concession – President

Public Radio of Armenia
Dec 26 2021

The full recognition of the right of the Armenians of Artsakh to self-determination is not subject to reservation and concession, Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan said in a statement.

Therefore, he said, only the authorities of the Artsakh Republic are authorized to speak on behalf of the people of Artsakh.

“The goal of the international recognition of the independence of the Artsakh Republic is our main guideline, no government can afford to deviate from it. Therefore, the people and the authorities of Artsakh will never and in any way accept any status within Azerbaijan until our goal is achieved,” the President said.

He added that there can be no return to the past, not only in terms of status, but also in terms of demographics. “What kind of coexistence can we talk about, if Azerbaijan continues to feed its society with Armenophobia, to prepare it not for peace but for eviction of Armenians from Artsakh? Of course, we are in favor of a peaceful settlement of the conflict, we are ready to make efforts in that direction, but the vital rights, interests and demands of our people are not negotiable,” the President stated.

“The territorial integrity of the Artsakh Republic must be restored at least in the territories where the Republic of Artsakh was proclaimed in 1991. Therefore, our occupied territories must be de-occupied; our compatriots must be able to return to their homes,” he added.

“As for the security of Artsakh, we will continue our efforts to strengthen the capabilities of the Defense Army, and the Russian peacekeeping troops must remain in Artsakh permanently and indefinitely until the final and just settlement of the conflict and the provision of additional international security guarantees,” Arayik Harutyunyan added.

Without referring to the details of the negotiation process in the past, he stated that “now the moment is much more responsible and decisive than ever. Therefore, we have no right to make mistakes, otherwise those mistakes can be fatal for Artsakh and Mother Armenia.”

“If any Armenian wants to support Artsakh, he must take into account the will and goals of the Armenians of Artsakh, otherwise he should simply not interfere,” President Harutyunyan added.

“All authorities are temporary, but our goals and positions must be maintained firmly and unshakably. Unity around our national values and goals is important, and, as I mentioned, the guideline of every Armenian and the government in the settlement of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict must be the will and goals of the Armenians of Artsakh,” he added.

“Artsakh has been Armenian for thousands of years and will remain Armenian, the Armenians of Artsakh have enough will and strategic patience to continue that struggle. Regardless of anyone’s will and opinion, I am confident that the Armenians of Artsakh will continue their just struggle for the international recognition of Artsakh’s independence and the defense of the Homeland,” Arayik Harutyunyan concluded.