Church leaders alert to current threat to Christian presence in the Holy Land

Dec 21 2021

For years, Christians in the Holy Land have been victims of intimidation, including the desecration of worship sites, perpetrated by radical groups who want to drive Christians out.

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
“Attacks (are) carried out by some religious fanatics against the Christian community, especially against the Armenian Orthodox community, which is near the Jewish Quarter.”

The Patriarchs and heads of local Churches of Jerusalem published a statement, in which they urge local political authorities to begin a dialogue with religious leaders to consider “the creation of a special Christian cultural and heritage zone to safeguard the integrity of the Christian Quarter in Old City Jerusalem.”

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
“It's a reminder, especially for local religious authorities, that respect should be given to everyone, regardless of personal opinions. And to pay special attention in the Christian Quarter to the sensibility of the Christian community and to be more respectful in their regard.”

The number of Christians in the Holy Land today makes up less than two percent of the population. But their small numbers belie their disproportionately large contributions to education, health and humanitarian services throughout Israel, Palestine and Jordan. In fact, a report cited by the religious leaders' statement shows that Christian pilgrimage and tourism contributes $3 billion to the Israeli economy.


Watch the report at the link below