Russian Foreign Ministry details preparation of "single package" to restore Azerbaijan-Armenia communications

Vestnik Kavkaza
Jan 3 2021
 3 Jan in 14:40

Unblocking all economic and transport ties in the South Caucasus is one of the most important directions of a process launched to normalize relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko told TASS

"In essence, we are talking about an opportunity for both countries to derive concrete practical benefits from peaceful coexistence. Russia is a direct participant in this process. At the summit in Moscow on January 11, 2021, the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia  agreed to establish a trilateral working group co-chaired by the deputy prime ministers of the three countries to deal with this process. Within the framework of this mechanism, important preparatory work has been done to restore both railway and automobile roads in the region," he stressed.

"Currently, a single "package" is being finalized. This approach will ensure the sustainability of decisions," Rudenko explained.

The Russian Deputy Foreign minister also drew attention to the fact that the necessary impetus for the current joint work was given by the relevant agreements of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia in Sochi on November 26. "We are working to have all the modalities worked out as soon as possible and launch specific projects," Rudenko said.