The time is to start the process of tightening the screw – Anzhela Elibegova
Armenia – Jan 7 2022

Expert in Azerbaijan Anzhela Elibegova raises questions about the reaction and possible behavior of Azerbaijan regarding the developments in Kazakhstan. 

"Turkey has invested millions in the renaissance of Turkish identity in the Central Asia for decades. Even if the radicals are constrained today, they would rather go underground. The leaders of Kazakhstan would need to show necessary will and have the legitimacy to prevent that evolving network amid the total exclusion any interference from outside. Otherwise, that would come outside again in other places and times," Elibekova commented on Facebook. 

In this context, the expert questions the possible behavior of Azerbaijan. "While glorifying the idea of the Great Turan, Aliyev would hardly tolerate any uncontrollable element within his own country. Now, the time is to start the process of tightening the screw," the expert stressed.