City hall of Russia’s Sochi decides to mark day of Azerbaijanis’ victory over Armenians  
Armenia – Feb 1 2022

The administration of Sochi, Russia, has decided to include in its calendar of holidays in 2022 the "Day of the victory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Patriotic War of 2020."

Readovka periodical drew attention to the Sochi city hall's decision dated December 27, 2021 "on approving the 2022 calendar plan of holidays, memorable days, significant events and measures."

According to this document, the victory of Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was scheduled to be celebrated on November 8. But this order was soon removed.

The press services of the administrations of Sochi city and Krasnodar Region could not comment promptly on the reasons for adding that date to their holiday list, nor could they explain the removal of this order.

Instead of commenting on the matter, the assistant to the mayor of Sochi, Aleksey Kopaygorodsky, commented on the respective message by the "Real Sochi" Telegram channel, according to which the information about the victory of Azerbaijan over Armenia is not reliable.

The information circulating on a number of Telegram channels that the days connected with the events of the neighboring countries are celebrated in Sochi are not confirmed. A source from the Sochi Municipality informs that it is fake news.

The Sochi administration, however, has not issued an official refutation.