Aliyev on ‘photo’ of Pashinyan and Soros: They look like two-headed dragon  
Armenia – Feb 3 2022

Ahead of his talk with the youth, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev criticized American billionaire George Soros, major world players, as well as Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

According to him, in many places, including the post-Soviet expanse and the Middle East, the leading force of destructive movements is the youth.

Speaking about the impact of the respective processes on Azerbaijan, Aliyev claimed that, "There is no source of internal threat in Azerbaijan."

"The leaders [of such processes] are the same; that is, the main international NGOs. And all of them have been fighting against Azerbaijan for many years—including on the Karabakh issue. And Armenians are in leading roles in all these organizations. I have their names: Freedom House, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, [George] Soros and organizations subject to him, Reporters Without Borders," Aliyev said.

According to him, "That is why they are now making new plans with Armenia."

"There is a well-known photo on the Internet: Soros and Nikol Pashinyan [together]. (…). See how sincerely they stand next to each other. They look like a two-headed dragon. However, it turned out that the ‘dragon’ was weak. The truth is that the same forces are behind all the so-called 'revolutions.' Everyone sees what revolutions lead to, including in Armenia," the Azerbaijani president concluded.

Ilham Aliyev, speaking about a photo of Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan and American billionaire George Soros together, apparently insinuates a fake photo. This once again shows the manipulative nature of the Azerbaijani president's statements.