Armenpress: There is state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan – Pashinyan

There is state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan – Pashinyan



 20:52, 9 February, 2022

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 9, ARMENPRESS. There is a state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as there was a border between the countries in Soviet times, which was delimited, and by the 1991 agreement on the establishment of the CIS, ratified by the parliaments of  both Armenia and Azerbaijan, those borders were recognized, ARMENPRESS reports Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan said during the parliament-Cabinet Q&A session.

“We think that these agreements should be implemented in this logic. Moreover, we are ready to listen to other proposals, other ideas," said the Prime Minister.

Speaking about the ungrounded speculations on this issue that the villages will remain without protection and so on, Pashinyan noted, "There is nothing like that, everything is taken into account in the package of proposals. We must also admit that it’s not so that the proposal we are making are 100% comfortable for Armenia or discomfort for Azerbaijan. There is a border line and, we think that there should be a withdrawal along that border line, noting that this does not predetermine the further results of the demarcation and delimitation, but they should be the subject of relevant negotiations. I think that those proposals are based on legitimate arguments”, the PM said.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the essence of these proposals should be properly presented to the international community by Armenian parliamentarians, because some forces may use the wrong interpretation of the situation to provoke new escalations at the border. "And it is very important for us to record the legitimate and legal realities and to record that there is such an effective mechanism that can prevent any further escalation," Pashinyan concluded.