Azerbaijani delegation to arrive in Yerevan to participate in Euronest meeting

Feb 17 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The delegation of Azerbaijan will arrive in Yerevan to participate in the meeting of the bureau and committees of the Euronest PA.

As the press service of the RA Parliament reports" On February 21-22,  the meetings of the Bureau and the Committees of the Euronest  Parliamentary Assembly (PA) were held in Yerevan.

Members of the parliaments of the Eastern Partnership countries and  the European Parliament will take part in the meetings. The visit of  the members of the European Parliament, as well as the parliaments of  Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Georgia to Yerevan is planned.

The meetings of the Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and  Democracy and on Energy Security, on Economic Integration, on Legal  Approximation and Convergence with EU Policies and on Social Affairs,  Employment, Education, Culture and Civil Society will be held at  Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concert Complex on February 22.

The Committee meetings will be webstreamed.

On February 22, at 10:30, the briefing of the Head of the Armenian  Delegation to the Euronest PA will take place in the foyer of Karen  Demirchyan Sports and Concert Complex."