Azerbaijani troops terrorize Karabakh civilians, demand them to flee

Feb 26 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Azerbaijani military has been threatening the residents of the village of Khramort, Nagorno-Karabakh for several days now, using loudspeakers to demand that they leave their homes and surrender the settlement to Azerbaijan.

According to journalist Tsovinar Barkhudaryan, a voice speaking in Armenian claims that if the villagers fail to leave the area voluntarily, the Azeris "will have to use force."

The Azerbaijanis also say "Khramort is Azerbaijan, Kharabakh is Azerbaijan" to spread panic among the civilians.

Barkhudaryan revealed in a social media post on Friday, February 25 that a total 98 families, including 11 displaced during the Second Karabakh War, currently live in the village.