Asbarez: Pan-Armenian Council Hosts Farewell Reception for Consul General Baibourtian

Members of the Pan-Armenian Council with Consul General Ambassador Armen Baibourtian

GLENDALE— A capacity audience gathered at the invitation of the Pan-Armenian Council of the Western United States on February 15 to honor the distinguished career of Dr. Armen Baibourtian, Consul General of Armenia to Los Angeles.

Attorney Garo Ghazarian, the master of ceremonies, highlighted the vision of the PAC-WUSA: a forum to address concerns and provide a unified voice to the community. He then praised the evening’s honoree for his unwavering support for our Community, and for empowering PAC’s service to the community – from organizing the over 100,000 people strong protest against the Azerbaijani aggression on Artsakh and Armenia, to the fundraising of over $1,500,000.00 to aid the Armenian community of Lebanon.

The head table at the event Ambassador Armen Baibourtian with his family

Following Ghazarian’s remarks, members of the clergy presented the invocation. Thereafter, the staff of the Consul General were acknowledged and thanked for their dedicated service. Ghazarian also recognized Yvette Baibourtian, the wife of the Consul General, for her steadfast support of Dr. Baibourtian and her service to the Armenian community.

Lena Bozoyan, the moderator of the PAC-WUSA, expressed her deep gratitude to Dr. Baibourtian for his exceptional, decades-long, public service to the Armenian people, most notably during the immense recent challenges wrought on Artsakh and Armenia during the devastating 44 day war and its aftermath during the global Coronavirus pandemic. Ms. Bozoyan spoke of Dr. Baibourtian’s impeccable integrity, great humbleness and his willingness to work closely with all of the various organizations of our community.

The audience then heard from Arch. Hovnan Derderian of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, Bishop Torkom Donoyan of the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, Monsignor Parsegh Baghdassarian of the Armenian Catholic Church, Very Rev. Henrik Shahnazarian of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America and Arch. Barkev Mardirossian. Each religious leader praised Dr. Baibourtian’s compassionate leadership of the Armenian community and his service to our people, zealously advocating for the advancement of Armenia and all Armenians.

The program continued with Ghazarian highlighting Dr. Baibourtian’s exceptional career, noting that he attained post-graduate degrees at Harvard University, M.I.T, and a Ph.D. from Yerevan State University. Among several other diplomatic posts held, he recalled Dr. Baibourtian’s two tours of duty as Consul General in Los Angeles, and as Armenia’s Ambassador to India.

Attorney Joseph Kanimian, representing the Board of Governors of the House of Armenia, where the Consul General’s office is housed, congratulated Dr. Baibourtian for his many achievements and suggested that this was not an end, but a beginning of continued service to the Armenian people.

During the evening, Dr. Baibourtian received several commendations including from City of Glendale Police Chief Carl Povilitis, and Glendale Mayor, Paula Devine. On behalf of the PAC, Avedik Izmirlian, and Dr. Raffi Balian, each made presentations of gifts to the honoree in recognition of his years of selfless service.

Also recognized was honoree’s spouse, Yvette Baibourtian, who was presented with a gift by PAC members Mayda Kuredjian and Shoushan Baghdabourian.

Finally, Dr. Baibourtian addressed the audience, as he thanked the PAC and the attendees for the touching tribute. He praised the Armenian community of Los Angeles and the PAC-WUSA for being a positive force and an exceptional example of unity for all to follow. He spoke fondly of how the PAC unified the entire community during the 44 day war and answered the call for support to the motherland, providing tremendous inspiration the people in Armenia and Artsakh.

The evening came to a close with representatives of the clergy leading everyone in prayer.