Artsakh NSS checks possibility of Azerbaijani sabotage 
Armenia – March 8 2022

The Nagorno-Karabakh National Security Service is investigating the reasons for the suspension of gas supplies from Armenia to Karabakh in the region of Shushi, NSS press service informed

“On the night of Tuesday at around 1 am, a breakdown in a gas pipeline near Shushi completely cut off the gas supply from Armenia to Karabakh. The Azerbaijani side is hindering the implementation of repair works carried out at the site of the accident by the specialists of Artsakhgaz CJSC. The NSS is also taking measures to clarify the reasons for the interruption of gas supply, including the identification of possible sabotage or harmful activities, as well as criminal acts undertaken by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

At the moment, NSS officers are taking measures to arrive at the scene of the incident and investigate it in accordance with the procedure established by criminal procedural legislation. After that, additional information will be provided. Including the real causes of the failure," the press service noted.