Azerbaijan exploits world’s preoccupation with Ukraine and increases threats against Artsakh, warns State Minister




YEREVAN, MARCH 11, ARMENPRESS. In recent days, taking advantage of the whole world's and especially Russia’s preoccupation with the situation in Ukraine, the provocations and threats carried out by Azerbaijan against the peaceful population of Artsakh have drastically increased, the State Minister of Artsakh Artak Beglaryan said in a statement, calling for an immediate stop of Baku’s ruthless behavior.

“In recent days, taking advantage of the whole world's and especially Russia’s preoccupation with the situation in Ukraine, the provocations and threats carried out by Azerbaijan against the peaceful population of Artsakh have drastically increased.

  1. Over an extensive period, the agricultural works in the fields near the front line are hindered due to the firing and other ceasefire violations.
  2. For several days, large-caliber weapons have been fired in the direction of our settlements. Yesterday, 50-year-old Suren Baghryan from Khramort village was wounded with a mortar shell while doing agricultural work in the yard of his house.
  3. On the night of March 8, in the territory under Azerbaijan's control, the only gas pipeline entering Artsakh exploded. By now, Russian peacekeepers and our representatives have not been allowed to approach the pipeline and restore the gas supply.

With support of Russian peacekeepers, we continue negotiations for peaceful regulations of the issues. At the same time, we are taking precautionary measures to ensure the safety of our population.

Azerbaijan should immediately stop its ruthless behavior against the peaceful population of Artsakh,” Beglaryan said.