State minister: All customers in Artsakh to be supplied with natural gas in next few hours

Armenia –

Gas supply to more than half of the customers in Artsakh has now been restored, and natural gas will be delivered to the rest in the next few hours, State Minister Artak Beglaryan said on Saturday.

The repair and checking of the damaged gas pipeline was completed late on Friday, with natural gas delivered to the receiving point of Artsakhgaz CJSC at night.

“The people of Artsakh will now be able to resolve the heating and other problems in the current extremely cold weather conditions,” the minister wrote on Telegram.

“Some 30-40 cm of snow fell in Stepanakert today. The snowfall was even heavier in other settlements of Artsakh, which is unprecedented for March. In such conditions, the population of Artsakh was deprived of natural gas for more than 11 days in a row due to artificial and deliberate obstacles created by Azerbaijan,” Beglaryan said.