Vardan Voskanyan: Russia started to counter anti-Russian propaganda machine of Baku dictator

Armenia –

Russia has started to counter the anti-Russian propaganda of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev by blocking Azerbaijani state-run media outlet Haqqin-az in the country, Armenian expert on Iran Vardan Voskanyan said on Friday.

"Russia has begun striking blows against the Baku dictator's anti-Russian propaganda machine by blocking one of its most infamous Russian-language news websites, Haqqin-az, across the country,” he wrote on Telegram.

“It is no secret that the propaganda tool is directly coordinated and controlled by the Baku dictator's office and, in fact, spreads the anti-Russian views which the top officials of the Baku ruling regime and its ringleader are afraid to express personally,” Voskanyan said.

The expert states Russia’s move is equal to a “missile strike on the Consulate of the Baku dictatorial regime” in Kharkov.

“But all this will remain only ‘consolation’ for us, unless from today we fix our minds and hearts on the sacred covenant and the program stemming from it, according to which the missiles, the fruit of Armenian just revenge, must inevitably destroy the enemy military infrastructure in order to demilitarize the barbaric Baku regime and the artificial formation ruled by it,” he noted.