Embassy: 4,000 Ukrainian citizens have moved to Armenia during war

PanARMENIAN.Net - About 4,000 Ukrainian citizens have moved to Armenia since the beginning of Russian's war in Ukraine on February 24, Armenpress cited Denis Avtonomov, the Ukrainian Chargé d’Affaires in Armenia, as saying on Thursday, March 18.

Avtonomov said that most of them are ethnic Armenians, many have relatives and family here and rarely turn to the Embassy for help. The diplomat added that a certain number of ethnic Ukrainians has also escaped to Armenia.

“At the moment we are helping the citizens of Ukraine solve document issues,” said Avtonomov, noting that the main difficulties are connected with the employment of refuges.

According to the Ukrainian diplomat, many Armenian citizens, residents of Yerevan and the provinces have expressed readiness to help resettle Ukrainian refugees.