Baku seeking to finish ethnic cleansing in Artsakh, Armenia`s premier states

Naira Badalian

ArmInfo.Azerbaijan's actions have brought Artsakh to a humanitarian disaster Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan stated at a Cabinet meeting on Thursday.   

"For three days the Artsakh people has been without gas supply. It  happened due to Azerbaijan's interference. Under various pretexts,  Azerbaijan did not allow the gas pipeline to be repaired, and did the  repair work itself. As a result, according to the information at our  disposal, a valve was installed on the gas pipeline. On March 21, the  gas supply to Artsakh was cut off again. Thus, without blowing the  pipeline up, Azerbaijan tuned off the vavle thereby proving it was  they that blew it up on March 7," the premier said. 

Mr Pashinya emphasized the fact that the gas supply was disrupted in  most unfavorable weather. 

"I have no doubts that the heroic population of Artsakh will survive  the hardship as well. With its actions, Azerbaijan is rendering a  service to Artsakh, as this episode is a clear explanation of the  Artsakh problem to the international community. It is irrefutable  evidence of Azerbaijan's policy toward Artsakh Armenians – making  their life in their Homeland impossible. Their task is to spare no  effort to complete ethnic cleansing in Artsakh," Mr Pashinyan said. 

A regards the Azerbaijani foreign office's statement that gas supply  to Nagorno-Karabakh is Azerbaijan's domestic affair. Interpreting the  diplomatic language, it means that Baku demands that the  international community should not interfere in the ethnic cleansing  in Artsakh. 

Armenia's authorities and public must inform the international  community of the ongoing developments in Artsakh by means of social  media. As regards the criticism against the Armenian authorities'  policy of "epoch of peace" in the region. 

"I would like to state there is no alternative to this policy.  However, Azerbaijan, resorting to provocations, is trying to distract  us from this agenda, cause a new escalation and war in the region.  But w must to succumb to these provocations. I have said we need iron  nerves to implement this policy," Mr Pashinyan said.