Talks about choosing between bad and worse surprising, political analyst says

Armenia –
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. In case a decision is made on Armenia joining the Allied State as "nominal Tatarstan" or "nominal Buryatia", no one is going to inquire about Armenia's  opinion, Stepan Safaryan, Head of the Armenian Institute of  International and Security Affairs (AIISA), said in an interview with  ArmInfo. 

"All the talks about choosing between bad and worse are surprising.  This opinion will turn into a real disaster for our society and  people. We must not surrender our hard-won nationhood, sovereignty  and freedom – albeit relative – to anyone," Mr Safaryan said. 

According to him, the Armenian elite and society should focus on how  they could prevent such developments. Therefore, discussions should  be focused on the ways of retaining and strengthening Armenia's  statehood, not on renouncing it. Mr Safaryan considers wrong the  parallels between the Allied State and the EU drawn by Armenia's  ex-president Robert Kocharyan. In this context, he notes that  comparing an economic structure with a supranational Allied State is  at least irrelevant. The recent action in support of the war in  Ukraine, attended by several dozens and, later, many more people, is  extremely detrimental to the Armenian state. The videos of the event  on social media cause a surprise in Europe and in the entire  civilized world, particularly in the context of a nation that  survived a genocide and suffered the consequences of the  Turkish-Azerbaijani fascism.  

"And Azerbaijanis and Turks are sure to take advantage of this by  drawing parallels between Armenian and Russian expansionism, to say  nothing of even more unfavorable comparisons. By means of social  networking bots they will cause the collective West to form an  opinion of Armenians in the interests of Armenians' foes. Their  specific goal is showing general approval of the war in Ukraine in  Armenia's society, and they are achieving it step by step.  Simultaneously, the agenda of destroying Armenia's statehood has been  put into circulation in the media environment," Mr Safaryan said.