Azerbaijani infiltration into Artsakh’s Parukh village is the logical continuation of Baku’s criminal policy-Ombudswoman




YEREVAN, MARCH 25, ARMENPRESS. The infiltration of Azerbaijani military forces into the village of Pharukh of Askeran region of Artsakh on March 24 is the logical continuation of criminal policy of Azerbaijan, Human Rights Defender of Armenia Kristinne Grigoryan said in a statement on social media.

“Today’s infiltration of Azerbaijani military forces into the village of Pharukh of Askeran region of the Republic of Artsakh is the logical continuation of criminal policy of Azerbaijan.

In breach of all well-known norms of international law this behavior continues weeks and months – through the various acts of intimidation, terrorization and creation of unbearable conditions for normal life of people of Artsakh. This penetration is yet another proof of the fact that the weeks-long targeting of the population of Khramort village didn’t bring the desired result – people didn’t leave their homeland, so Azerbaijan applied to its well-proven behavior which is the provocation.

It is a shameful fact that the ethnic cleansing policy of Artsakh is the state priority of Azerbaijan which undermines the fulfillment of the obligations of international law and infringes the signatures of that country put under its legally binding commitments.

The “uncomfortable” silence of international community about voicing out the human rights violations is not being remedied by real actions to address the situation. Meanwhile the people of Artsakh have same rights as humans in any other part of the world.

I strongly condemn the criminal behavior of Azerbaijan and call on international human rights organizations and actors to ACT to STOP this genocidal policy towards people of Artsakh”, the statement says.