Analyst: Tuesday’s opposition rally in Yerevan sent several positive signals

Armenia – April 6 2022

Political analyst Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan, who heads the Voskanapat Analytical Center, has reflected on the rally of Armenia’s opposition alliances held in Yerevan on Tuesday.

"Yesterday's rally sent several positive signals. Frankly speaking, I did not expect so many people to join it. Not only did people come, but also many held posters with clear political messages and positions. This, in my opinion, is the best news I've heard in recent months. Citizens came not only to listen, but to speak. That is, a social order is being formed, which is just great,” he wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.

“Second, the podium also changed. At the rally a statement was adopted and, for the first time, in addition to the demand for the removal of the current government, other important tasks were outlined,” the analyst said, adding it was a “people's rally”.

“Third, the vast majority of people returned home uplifted. They found yesterday's rally as a new start, and now it is extremely important for the next steps to be just as inspiring. People need small victories and new achievements, at least with installment of Artsakh flags in all cities of Armenia. That, too, is an action which can mark an important start for even bigger things to come.

“Fourth, the opposition forces, especially the parliamentary factions, received large public support. But this is still only support. Hopefully, they will be able to turn the support into trust, and then into a real tool to get the country out of the current situation.

“But most importantly, the international community, our enemies and allies have seen that Armenia has not given up and won't do it in the future. Because Armenia is not Nikol Pashinyan, but an Armenian standing in the square who still has something to say to the world,” Melik-Shahnazaryan noted, also praising third President Serzh Sargsyan’s participation in the rally.