UK lawmakers meet displaced Karabakh civilians in Syunik

Armenia – April 6 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - The members of a UK delegation led by the Head of Great Britain-Armenia Friendship Group Tim Loughton have visited the province of Syunik to communicate with and learn more about displaced residents if Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh).

During the 44-day war unleashed by Azerbaijan in the fall of 2020, more than 20.000 families from Artsakh moved to Syunik. About 4.000 displaced people currently reside in the province, including 248 families displaced from Shushi, Askeran and Hadrut.

The Chair of the Armenian parliament's Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Eduard Aghajanyan, members of the Committee Maria Karapetyan, Sargis Khandanyan, and Yerevan's Ambassador to the UK Varuzhan Nersesyan accompanied the delegation.

During a meeting, Syunik governor Robert Ghukasyan presented the situation created in the provnce after the 44-day war and underlined that the international community should express its distinct position on concrete cases.

“We heard these people’s stories who had gone through the war. That information is interesting and valuable. We would like to take with us their messages, their voice to our parliament and present everything happening in this part of the world,” Loughton said.

Member of the British delegation Baroness Caroline Cox noted: “Beginning from 1991 first war, I have been next to you. I have seen with you the tragedies and horrible events that have happened during these years. I have seen what crimes have been committed by Azerbaijan in the war. We know that you have suffered a lot. I have always admired the Armenian people, every time you reborn from the ashes. You will always be in my heart and prayers. I am next to you.”