Forcible annexation of Artsakh to Azerbaijan will lead to the destruction of the republic: Artsakh announces its "red lines"

Armenia –
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo. Artsakh has never been and never will be a part of Azerbaijan, and any discussions on this issue are unacceptable for the people of Artsakh. NA Speaker Artur  Tovmasyan announced this on April 14 at an extraordinary session of  the Artsakh Parliament.

Yesterday, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, speaking in  parliament, said that the international community urges Armenia to  slightly lower the bar on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. "  Otherwise, please do not pin your hopes on us, and not for the reason  that we do not want to help you, but because we cannot help you," the  RA Prime Minister said. After this statement by Pashiyan, a meeting  of the Security Council was convened in Artsakh. "Azerbaijan's  proposals regarding the status of Artsakh are unacceptable," Artsakh  President Arayik Harutyunyan said at a meeting with the leadership of  the regional administration, heads of communities, and active  representatives of the population in Martakert.

"Artsakh has never been and will never be part of an independent  Azerbaijan, and any discussions around this issue are unacceptable  for us. This is a" red line "that no one has the right to cross. The  forcible annexation of Artsakh to Azerbaijan will lead to the  destruction of Artsakh and will become a geopolitical, historical and  a moral tragedy for the Armenian statehood and the Armenian people,"  the President of the Artsakh Parliament said.

Tovmasyan emphasized that the people of Artsakh are full of  determination and will not deviate from the chosen path. "We have  paid a very high price for our freedom and independence. And you have  no moral right to close our history in an unworthy way," the Speaker  of the National Assembly of Artsakh noted.

At the suggestion of Tovmasyan, the PMs honored the memory of the  martyrs with a minute of silence.  "Eternal Honor to all our  soldiers-liberators who died in the three Artsakh wars, in the border  regions of Armenia and in March 2022 at the height of Karaglukh. We  all understand that they died in the name of the Armenian nation, in  the name of the existence of the people of Armenia and Artsakh,"  emphasized the President of Parliament.

As Artsakhpress reports, Artsakh Foreign Minister David Babayan also  responded to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. "I don't know  what it means – you have to ask him. We don't have a bar issue, we  have a problem of 'red lines'. This is a 'red line' that no one has  the right to cross," the Artsakh Foreign Minister said.

According to him, the authorities and the people of Artsakh are  united and "not only the people of Artsakh, but any normal person,  any normal Armenian is convinced that Artsakh will not be part of  Azerbaijan." "There will be no Artsakh, there will be no Armenia  either – this is a simple truth. Let no one think that there is an  alternative – there will not be," the Minister said.