On behalf of Artsakh Armenians, National Assembly of Artsakh appealed to Armenia, Russian Federation and OSCE Minsk Group

Armenia –

ArmInfo.The Artsakh parliamentarians demand that the Armenian authorities renounce their "disastrous position". On April 14, the National Assembly of Artsakh  adopted a statement during an extraordinary meeting.

"The current legal and political status of the Republic of Artsakh  has been formed by the will of the people as a result of three  referendums and the adoption of a constitution based on their results  and through a nationwide agreement established in the previous years.   The Armenians of Artsakh are well aware of the price of peace. The  statehood of Artsakh, the right to live freely and independently in  the historical homeland are absolute values from which even the  threat of war cannot keep us.  

According to Armenia-Azerbaijan "peace" agenda, any negotiation  process to annex Artsakh to Artsakh as well as the signing of the  resulting document, undermines not only the statehood of Artsakh, but  also the inalienable right of the Armenians of Artsakh to live in  their historical homeland.  

We demand that the authorities of the Republic of Armenia renounce  their current catastrophic position and be guided exclusively by  these values. No government has the right to lower the bar of  internationally recognized self-determination to a status  unacceptable to Artsakh, under the pretext of "peace." 

On behalf of the Armenians of Artsakh we apply to

-Armenians all over the world to stand united and resolutely by the  brothers and sisters of Armenia and Artsakh in this just struggle.  

– our colleagues in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia  to not deviate from the decision of the Supreme Council of the  Republic of Armenia of July 8, 1992 

   -the leadership of the Russian Federation. During the peacekeeping  mission, it is very important for us that you do not allow anyone to  manipulate the problems that arise, as a basis for questioning the  further security of the people of Artsakh.  

– the leaders of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries. Make  efforts to maintain the only international mandate for the settlement  of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regardless of all other  disagreements."    

Earlier, yesterday, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, speaking  in parliament, said that the international community urges Armenia to  slightly lower the bar on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. "  Otherwise, please do not pin your hopes on us, and not for the reason  that we do not want to help you, but because we cannot help you," the  RA Prime Minister said. After this statement by Pashiyan, a meeting  of the Security Council was convened in Artsakh. "Azerbaijan's  proposals regarding the status of Artsakh are unacceptable," Artsakh  President Arayik Harutyunyan said at a meeting with the leadership of  the regional administration, heads of communities, and active  representatives of the population in Martakert.  Today, MPs of  Armenia's ruling Civil Contract faction, represented by Vigen  Khachatryan, stated that the idea that Artsakh has no future within  Azerbaijan, put forward back in 1996, was erroneous.