MP: Armenian opposition can take just one ‘shot’

Armenia –

MP Hayk Mamijanyan, the secretary of the opposition With Honor faction, answered several frequently asked questions at a press briefing on Friday.

Asked on what basis the opposition claims that in case of a change of power in Armenia it is possible to achieve a breakthrough in the Artsakh issue, the MP said: "It’s very simple. For decades, the Armenian diplomacy has managed to ensure that the position of the real international community, particularly the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries, and the position of the Armenian side are on the same line. If we were able to do it before, we will do it in the future as well," the oppositionist said.

Hayk Mamijanyan also responded to the criticism of people, who claim that the opposition hesitates to take action.

"We are not slow, we just can take only one ‘shot’. We cannot afford to take unprepared and unplanned steps. Thus, we need some time to outline a clear action plan and to present it to the public. It's a matter of a very short period of time," Mamijanyan said.

Also, he urged the people to actively join the rallies held by the opposition.

"I have a request to all our compatriots who believe in us. There is a very simple action they can take now. All those who are aware of what Pashinyan and his junta are doing, should pick five people, who are not jointing rallies, whose eyes have not yet opened and who are still in slumber, so that when we announce the further actions, they can make these people participants in the actions to save Artsakh," he said.