Pashinyan: If "Zangezur corridor" becomes a reality, Armenia will have problems with territorial integrity

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.According to RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, if the "Zangezur Corridor", put forward by Azerbaijan, becomes a reality Armenia will have problems with  territorial integrity. This was stated in the Office of the Prime  Minister of the Republic of Armenia.

So, in response to the request of RFE/RL's Armenian Service, to  clarify what the head of the RA Cabinet of Ministers meant when on  April 13, presenting a report on the implementation of the  Government's program for 2021 from the rostrum of the Parliament,  stated that "I could not convince myself for the reason that I  realized that Robert Kocharyan did not exaggerate at all when he said  that Armenia also has territorial problems."

"The prime minister meant that in the early 1990s, during the first  Karabakh war, the Republic of Armenia also suffered territorial  losses. In addition, in 2021, the territorial integrity of the  Republic of Armenia was violated due to the invasion of Azerbaijani  units into the Sotk-Khoznavar section of the sovereign territory of  Armenia," the Prime Minister's Office said in a response.  

To the question whether Armenia will face the problem of territorial  integrity in the event of the implementation of the so-called  "Zangezur corridor" put forward by Azerbaijan, a laconic answer was  given: "Yes." For clarification, speaking of the territorial  integrity of Armenia, the prime minister has in mind the issue of the  Armenian enclave, which was part of Azerbaijan in the Soviet years,  the Prime Minister's Office noted in particular: "Yes, it refers to  the Artsvashen enclave and the fact that tens of kilometers of the  territory of Armenia from the Tavush region, thousands of hectares of  arable land are under the control of Azerbaijan."