California Armenian Legislative Caucus announces 2022 Essay and Visual Arts Scholarship winners

Public Radio of Armenia

The California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation announced the winners of this year’s California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation Scholarship, Asbarez reports.

The California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation has worked hard this year to advocate and participate in educational and governmental efforts in California and awarded 6 scholarships to California high school students who entered essay and arts contests.

“Year after year, I have had the pleasure of seeing this how this scholarship competition has both raised awareness of the Armenian Genocide, and empowered young minds with knowledge for a lifetime,” said Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian (D-Sherman Oaks). “Genocides, like the Armenian Genocide of 1915 need to be recognized so that future genocides can be prevented.”

“Today, our scholarship winners leave more empowered to recognize and work against future crimes against humanity and I’m proud that the Caucus Foundation has contributed to development of that skillset in these young Californians,” added Assemblymember Nazarian. “I hope that the Caucus Foundation continues to engage in this scholarship moving forward as that has been one of my main goals as a founding member.”

“Congratulations to all the scholarship recipients on this great accomplishment,” remarked Assemblymember Mike Fong (D-Alhambra). “The student essays and art pieces serve as a reminder of the rich cultural history of Armenian Americans throughout California, as well as the importance of ensuring Armenian Americans have a seat at the policymaking table.”

“My district includes Montebello, a city with a significant Armenian population that is home to the Montebello Genocide Memorial,” added Assemblymember Fong. “It is not lost upon me why it is so important that we remember the atrocities they have faced so that we can be inspired by their resilience and build upon it.”

“Congratulations to the enormously talented winners of the scholarships, and thank you to everyone who took the time to dive deeper and reach further in exploration of the theme, ‘Human to Human Interaction,’” said Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D-Glendale). “It is such a privilege and inspiration to experience the beautiful, thoughtprovoking artwork and essays from the next generation of Armenian American voices and leaders.”

“When we remember the Armenian Genocide, today, we commit ourselves to fighting systematic injustice and inequality by governments everywhere, and join your cause to stop future genocides,” noted Assemblymember Chris Holden (D-Pasadena). “Congratulations to the deserving students selected for this scholarship.”

“Hats off to the winners! These students are deserving of the recognition as they used their talents to showcase history through words and visual arts,” said Senate Republican Leader Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita). “The California Armenian Caucus Foundation’s scholarship program is my favorite and I am glad students see it is as a golden opportunity to earn funding to assist for their higher education while learning about some of the darkest days in history.”

Third place winner Mikayel Badalyan’s visual arts submission

“My congratulations to these outstanding California students for their deep commitment to preserving and sharing the rich history of Armenian Americans,” said Senate Majority Leader Emeritus Bob Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys). “The love for the Armenian people and their culture starts with teaching the next generation in our schools and museums. Our Caucus’ annual essay contest is an essential tool to fostering this essential education across our state.”

Congratulations to these very talented young people. California has remarkable students and it’s wonderful to see scholarships helping them garner future academic opportunities,” remarked Senator Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge).

Earlier this year the California Armenian Legislative Caucus Foundation invited California high school students to participate in its Annual Essay Contest. Students were asked to write a memo to the Armenian American National Museum sharing with the museum Director one person’s name that should be featured in the museum wing entitled “Notable Armenian Americans.”

Winners of the Annual Essay Contest include:

  • First-prize, $1,000: Francine Ghazarian attending Glendale High School in Glendale, CA.First-prize, $1,000: Francine Ghazarian attending Glendale High School in Glendale, CA.
  • Second-prize, $750: Sean Choo attending Palos Verdes Peninsula High School in Ranchos Palos Verdes, CA.
  • Third-prize, $500: Veronica Gazayan attending Van Nuys Senior High in Van Nuys, CA.

This year’s theme is “Human to Human Interaction.” Submission types were limited to drawings, paintings, photographs, digital illustrations, and graphic design.

Winners of the Visual Arts Scholarship include:

  • First-prize, $1,000: Kayla Ranney attending Claremont High School in Claremont, CA.
  • Second-prize, $750: Chloe Lou attending Archbishop Mitty High School in San Jose, CA.
  • Third-prize, $500: Mikayel Badalyan attending Burbank High School in Burbank, CA.