Artsakh Human Rights Defender to headline keynote in livestream Australian National Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

Public Radio of Armenia

Australia’s National Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, which will be livestreamed on Tuesday 26th April 2022, 8pm (AEST), will include a special keynote feature highlighting the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Republic of Artsakh as a result of the genocidal policies unleashed by Azerbaijan and Turkey, reported the Armenian Genocide Commemorative Committee.

Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Artsakh, Mr. Gegham Stepanyan will star in the keynote feature, providing from-the-ground insight into the ongoing military and humanitarian tactics of the brutal Azerbaijani regime, with the intention of ethnically cleansing the Republic of Artsakh of its indigenous Armenian population.

Stepanyan graduated from Yerevan State University in 2014 completing a Bachelor of International Relations and completed his Master’s program in Political Science and International Affairs at the American University of Armenia in 2016.

From September 2020 – March 2021, Stepanyan was the Chief of Staff to the former Artsakh Human Rights Ombudsman, Artak Beglaryan and was elected by the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh to replace Beglaryan on 25th March 2021 as Beglaryan’s successor.

Stepanyan has been a vocal critic of Azerbaijan’s most recent human rights violations against the peaceful citizens of Artsakh, and is working with governmental and non-governmental human rights agencies to bring awareness to the clear human rights violation under international law by the Azerbaijani regime.

Stepanyan will highlight the fighting spirit of the people of Artsakh and their determination to counter any attempts at ethnic cleansing, which is a policy that draws stark parallels with Azerbaijan and Turkey’s Ottoman predecessors, who remain unpunished for committing the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

The livestream will premiere on Tuesday 26th April 2022 at 8:00pm (AEST) via the Facebook and YouTube channels of Armenia Media and other leading Armenian-Australian organisations.

The member organisations of the organising Armenian Genocide Commemorative Committee are the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, the Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian Missionary Association of Australia Hamazkaine, Nor Serount, Homenetmen, Tekeyan, Armenian Relief Society, Dkhrouni, AGBU Youth and the Armenian Youth Federation, in addition to Sahagian Sporting Club in Victoria and the Armenian National Committee of Australia Head Office and Branches in Melbourne, Perth and Canberra.