Thousands Of People March To Tsitsernakaberd

24.04.2006 16:00

The way toward the memorial to the Armenian Genocide – Tsitsernakaberd
– was crowded since early morning. The heavy rain in the morning
did not prevent the flow of thousands of people. Representatives of
non-governmental and political organizations, Diaspora Armenians, state
officials, representatives of ethnic minorities living in Armenia,
people in response for foreign Embassies accredited in Armenia come
to pay homage to the Genocide victims.

At 11 p.m. RA president Robert Kocharyan visited the Genocide
memorial. The President was accompanied by Prime Minister Andranik
Margaryan, President of the Constitutional Court Gagik Harutyunyan,
a number of members of the Armenian government and Deputies.

“The achievements in regard to the international recognition of the
Armenian Genocide are apparent,” Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly
Tigran Torosyan told the journalists.

The Vice-Speaker is confident that the most essential is that in
the course of the years more and more countries and peoples come to
understand that the crime was directed against whole humanity.

“It is Turkey’s problem whether it will recognize the Genocide or not,
a matter of dignity of Turkey and the Turkish people.

An interesting action was arranged today by the “American-Armenians –
Armenia” organization: they suggested to tie ribbons on the threads
along the way to Tsitsernakaberd as a sign of protest against those
countries, which have not recognized the historic truth and have not
condemned the first Genocide carried out by Turks.

UU Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia John
Evans refused to answer the journalists’ questions. After laying
flowers to the Genocide memorial he left saying a single sentence,
“God bless you.”

The endless stream of people to Tsitsernakaberd evidences that it is
not just a memorial of sorrow. The procession dedicated to the 91st
anniversary of the Genocide is not just a march of grief. It is a
decisive nationwide demand to restore the justice. Thus, our march
is immortal, since the impulse is fair, the aim is just and the steps
are justified.