Important agreements have been reached in Moscow on principles of unblocking regional communications: Pashinyan

Armenia –
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo. Important agreements have been reached in Moscow on the principles of unblocking regional communications. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated on April 22, at a government meeting, describing his two-day official  visit to the Russian Federation as productive. 

He expressed gratitude to his Russian counterparts led by President  Vladimir Putin.  According to him, during the Moscow meetings the  most key issues on the bilateral agenda were discussed, which is  reflected in the joint statement of the President of the Russian  Federation and the Prime Minister of Armenia. Particular attention  was paid to issues of regional stability and security. "Important  agreements have been reached on the principles of unblocking regional  communications, the similarity of the approaches of the Republic of  Armenia and the Russian Federation has been fixed," he said.

In this direction, as Pashinyan pointed out, it is possible to fix  the commonality of approaches of all international partners. "I would  like to reaffirm the readiness of the RA to launch as soon as  possible the construction of a railway and a highway connecting East  and West through the territory of Armenia. I hope that in the near  future the trilateral working group at the level of the Deputy Prime  Ministers of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan will be able to develop  and agree on the necessary documents for process start",the head of  government stressed.