Armenia`s authorities incapable of signing peace agreement with Azerbaijan, popular objection to rapprochement with Turkey – MPG

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Over 50% of Armenia's population strongly believe that the country's authorities are incapable signing a peace agreement with Azerbaijan that would take the interests of Armenia and Artsakh into account, according to a  survey conducted by Marketing Professional Group (MPG), an exclusive  representative of the GALLUP International Association in Armenia. 

Specifically, only 10.6% of the respondents are sure that Armenia's  authorities are capable of signing a peace treaty with Azerbaijan  with the interests of Armenia and Artsakh considered. 19.8% of the  respondents consider it most likely, 16.9% most unlikely, 40.3%  believe it is definitely not the case and 12.5% could not answer.  Thus, 57.2% of the respondents believe Armenia's authorities are  incapable of signing such an agreement. 

As to who is responsible for the current situation in  Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), 43.8% of the respondents  named Azerbaijan, 27% Armenia's authorities, 14.1% the Russian  peacekeepers, 6.1% the Artsakh authorities, 3.5% Turkey, 13.5% gave  other answers and 11.2% could not answer.  

Also, 68% of the respondents object to rapprochement with Turkey. 

Specifically, in response to a question concerning establishment of  diplomatic relations with Turkey and reopening of the border, 59.3%  of the respondents are strongly against, 8.7% are more likely  against, 15.1% are most likely for it, 11.2% are more likely for it,  and 5.8% could not answer. 

34.1% of the respondents are critical of the Armenian prime  minister's activities, 13.6% are most probably critical, 13.8% of the  respondents are holding entirely positive opinions, 25% are more  likely positive and 13.6% could not answer. 

As to which political party or alliance they would vote for if  parliamentary elections were held the coming Sunday, 20.4% of the  respondents would support the ruling party Civil Contract, 8.3% the  Armenian bloc led by ex-president Robert Kocharyan, 3.7% Serzh  Sargsyan's With Honor party and 1.7% the Prosperous Armenia party led  by Gagik Tsarukyan. 

Moreover, 28.8% said they would not vote, 12.9% could not answer,  9.1% refused to answer, 10.1% would not support any political force,  and 2% gave other answers. 

0.1% of the respondents would vote for the Armenian Eagles and United  Armenia parties, 0.1% for the 5165 Movement, 0.1% for the Country for  Life party, 0.1% for the Republic party, 0.1% for the Armenian  National Congress (ANC), 0.2% for Sasna Tsrer, 0.2% for the Communist  party of Armenia, 0.2% for the Christian-Democratic Union, 0.6% for  the National-Democratic Union. 

The survey was conducted from April 2 to 6, 2022, with 1,002  respondents involved. The survey has a margin of error of +3%.