‘You can’t step into the same river twice’: Oppositionist says Pashinyan must leave

Armenia – May 4 2022

The spokesman of the opposition Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), Eduard Sharmazanov, believes Armenia’s ruling political team led by Nikol Pashinyan is actually alarmed by the large-scale civil disobedience campaign to oust them.

"The authorities see everything perfectly well, they just try to convince themselves that everything is fine and the situation is under their control," he told reporters during an opposition march in Yerevan on Wednesday.

He says that the authorities realize there is an “imminent threat” to their stay in power, adding they enjoy no popular trust and have no legitimacy.

"They can talk as much as they want, but this is a popular nationwide movement. Pashinyan can't step into the same river twice. He has already deceived the people once, he cannot deceive them twice. He must leave," Sharmazanov stressed.

The oppositionist states that the movement is not led by any political party, although various parties and politicians are involved in it, adding the existence of Armenia is at stake.

"We have to drive out the gang of capitulators, who turned our 30-year victories into defeats and brought war,” he said, again holding Pashinyan responsible for the start of the 2020 war with Azerbaijan and thousands of Armenian casualties in it.

“He has ceded Shushi and Hadrut, he has surrendered Armenia. I do not understand why he should stay in power.

“If he does not want to step down voluntarily, the people should tell this man and his junta through peaceful acts of disobedience that they have nothing else to do, they must leave," Sharmazanov said.