Resistance Movement holds motor rally from Yerevan to Vanadzor

Armenia – May 7 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. The opposition Resistance Movement, demanding the resignation of the current Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, is holding a  motor rally from Yerevan to Vanadzor.

The rally started at 10 am local time from the Ashtarok highway.  Dozens of cars with the Armenian tricolor moved in a column towards  Vanadzor.

It should be noted that the coordinator of the Movement, vice-speaker  of the parliament from the "Armenia" opposition bloc, Ishkhan  Saghatelyan, said during the rally the night before that in the  coming days, disobedience actions would be held in four directions.  

"In the coming days, the participants in the action of disobedience"  will take the whole of Yerevan. "We will organize a movement first in  four groups, then in 8, then in 12, and as a result, on the same day,  we will take the whole city … Today we showed that there are no  closed streets for us, no closed squares," Saghatelyan said, adding  that these days the attention of the international press media is  focused on this square, on the events taking place in Yerevan.  He  noted that 60-70% of the tasks were done. Among the plans for May 7,  Saghatelyan mentioned a motor rally to Vanadzor and a large rally  there at 1:00pm.  "In Yerevan, at 12:00pm, a women's march and a car  rally with music will take place, and in the evening (6:00pm-8:00pm)  – a cultural program will take place, followed by a rally and a  march," Saghatelyan summed up.  

It should be noted that on April 17, the head of opposition "I have  the honor" parliamentary faction Artur Vanetsyan launched an  open-ended action on Freedom Square in Yerevan in defense of  Nagorno-Karabakh and demanding the resignation of the current Prime  Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and his team. He  called on everyone to join his protest action. His initiative was  supported by the "I have the honor", "Armenia" opposition factions,  as well as the "5165" party. And since May 1, a tent camp of  opposition forces has been set up on France Square, demanding the  resignation of Pashinyan and his team.  Activists of the movement  have been spending the sixth night on the street.  Traffic is blocked  not only along the central roads of Yerevan, but also key regional  transport hubs.