ACYOA Leads Vigil

St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church
4125 Fessenden St. NW
Washington, DC 20016
Contact: Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian

T: 202.363.1923

[email protected]

ACYOA Leads Vigil; Secures Location for `System of a Down’ & Genocide Rally
Church Group Stands Ground in Face of Police and Turkish Pressure

Washington, DC. – Members of the St. Mary Armenian Church Youth
Organization of America (ACYOA) secured the front entrances and
property in front of the Turkish Embassy in Washington, DC in
preparation for an annual April 24 genocide rally while leading a
91-hour vigil in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. Armenian
Christians from the Washington, DC area were participating in a 91
consecutive hour prayer vigil when United States Secret Service
(Uniformed Division) officers, and later a representative from the
Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), attempted to
displace the Armenian group from the area that it had already occupied
for over 3 days.

`After speaking to the Secret Service and DC Metropolitan Police itwas
clear that they preferred that we move from our designated location.
When the ATTA representative arrived he attempted to relocate us as
well so that they would be able to use that space for their denial
campaign. But we had been stationed in front of the Embassy for over
75 hours and weren’t about to give it up to the Turks,’ remarked
Sarine Zenian, a spokesperson for the St. Mary ACYOA. `The police
ultimately sided inour favor and worked tirelessly and professionally
throughout the duration of the vigil and rally to ensure public

Soon after, members of the Washington/Baltimore Armenian community, as
wellas others from around the country, rallied in support of the
recognition ofthe Armenian Genocide. Over 400 participants from
several local Armenian organizations and institutions including: the
ACYOA Central Council, the Armenian National Committee, the Armenian
Youth Federation, Hamazkayin Cultural Association, Homenetmen Scouts
and Athletic Union, Soorp Khatch Armenian Church, St. Mary Armenian
Church, and others; gathered together to call on the Turkish
government to admit its crimes, repent, and give the Armenian
peoplethe justice they deserve.

Special guests at the rally were members of the popular rock band
`System of a Down’ represented by band members John Dolmayan and
SerjTankian. Their presence added a unique element to the rally and
attracted Armenian-Americans to the annual rally in record numbers.

After the rally ended, the 91-hour vigil resumed through the night
ending at 10am on Tuesday, April 25, 2006. St. Mary ACYOA Chairman
Sevan Ohanian explained, `This vigil, and the 90-hour vigil of 2005,
sends a powerful message to the American people and the Turkish
government. We remained present on the street around the clock to
witness to the truth of the ArmenianGenocide.’ Vigil organizers
estimate an average of 50 vehicles drive past the Turkish Embassy each
minute during rush hour traffic. The vigil, which spanned 5 days,
exposed over 30,000 Washingtonians, including Turkish diplomats and
embassy staff, to the facts of the Armenian Genocide and thegreat
suffering that the Armenian people endured at the hands of the Ottoman

Vigil participants endured inclement weather, cold nights, and
torrential rain during the first 50 hours and were repeatedly heckled
by area Turks and genocide deniers among the American community.
However, the vigil also provided an opportunity to engage pedestrians,
one on one, to discuss the issue and enlighten them about Armenia and
Armenian history. Muslims on their wayto the neighboring National
Islamic Center and Mosque offered insightful and often inspirational
views about humanity, human suffering, and mankind’s cruelty to

Evenings at the vigil brought about opportunities for reflection and
prayer. Vigil spiritual leader, Dn. Zaven Kalayjian of Yerevan, led
the group in daily requiem services and group prayer focused on the
need for God’s grace and wisdom to be imparted on to the Turkish
people so that truth mayprevail over denial and ignorance in Turkey.
Vigil participants humbly prayed for God’s blessings on the martyrs of
the Genocide as well as the survivors and their legacy.

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