Relocating to Armenia: IT companies to enjoy benefits

Public Radio of Armenia

The Ministry of High-Tech Industry has presented guidelines for registration, transfer, establishment and running of companies and organizations by foreign citizens. It has also listed the benefits in the field of high technologies and telecommunications available in Armenia.

How to register a business in Armenia and how long does the registration process take?

The registration process is carried out by the Agency for State Register of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.

What benefits are provided to FEZ resident companies?

In order to develop the ICT sector, the Government of the Republic of Armenia has established a number of benefits, which are enshrined in the legislation of the Republic of Armenia and relevant resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, in particular the RA Law “On State Support in the Field of Information Technology” and the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of March 24, 2022 “On approval of the procedure for providing state support to commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the field of Information Technology.”

How to buy or rent an apartment in Armenia?

Any questions about buying or renting real estate can be found on the websites of the RA Cadaster Committee.

Can foreign citizens open online accounts in Armenian banks?

Most of the commercial banks of the Republic of Armenia have internet banking systems and mobile applications that allow legal entities to open foreign currency accounts. The list of commercial banks of the Republic of Armenia can be found here.